Furnace Community SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) was set up in order to manage various areas of the village such as the shop, the hall and this website.
How to join the SCIO
Membership of the SCIO is free and open to all residents of Furnace. The official area of Furnace is from Quarry View to Auchindrain. Members must be over 16 years old. Members are entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings and any Extraordinary General Meetings and can elect committee members and office bearers.
Anyone wishing to become a member should request an application form from any of the committee members. Current committee members are: – Donal MacNeill (Chair), Lynda Syed (Treasurer), Naline Swailes (Social Club Treasurer), Andrea Henderson (Secretary), Sharon Macinnes and Carol Watt. Alternatively click on the link below to print a form off.
Furnace SCIO membership form
When do we meet?
Meetings are usually held every second month on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm in the hall. Member or not all are very welcome to attend and take part in the meeting.
What do we do?
The SCIO owns and manages the village hall. In 2019 the SCIO was successful in raising funds to save the village store and post office from possible closure along with the bungalow behind it. The bungalow is let out to the shop’s new business owners.
The SCIO also cares for the 5.1/2 mile Leacainn Walk, the village picnic area and the Memorial Garden.
We also organise some fun stuff too such as the monthly table quizzes, the annual Gala Weekend, monthly bingo sessions, the Christmas Party and the Christmas lights and switch on.
Support is offered to anyone wishing to organise their own event. The hall is home to groups like the Bowling Club and the fortnightly coffee mornings as well as various keep fit sessions.
Anyone wishing to organise an event or start a club or activity should contact one of the committee members or come to one of the meetings. The SCIO also owns and maintains this website.
The SCIO works alongside Furnace Community Council which is the village’s official civic body, who liaise with the local Council over issues like roads, refuse collection, local healthcare and police matters.
Current Year Minutes
2023 Minutes
Previous Years Minutes
2022 SCIO Minutes